Wednesday, December 30, 2009

The Hills Are Alive With the Sound of Foreign Policy

I think it's cool that any problem in a movie can be solved with a musical number (if it is a musical). Two people can be in great tension and unwilling to compromise or give in before the song starts but by the end of the song, the two parties are in agreement and one of them has been convinced that the other is right. That song could be the difference between falling in love and suffering yet another romantic strike out.
You can convince anyone of anything with the right song. If members of congress really wanted to get their legislation passed, they would hire composers to collaborate with their speech writers to convince the skeptics of their view on health care, gay rights, and global warming. Musical numbers could also be used as a very effective foreign policy tool. Stephen Sondheim may be too complicated for the United Nations General Assembly to sight read, but Rogers and Hammerstein's compositions are easy enough to follow but profound enough to inspire that it just might work. They were the masters. They really had the ability to combine excellent melodies with good lyrics and story lines that, if they were still alive they would be the perfect people to orchestrate the steps necessary for the world to live in "harmony".

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

What If...

Imagine if people had the ability to breathe through more than just their nose and mouth. Do you think it is possible that living conditions are such that in order to survive, people needed more breathing options and the respiratory system adapted to allow people to breathe through their ears or even their eye sockets? If this alternate evolution had taken place, there would be a whole new family of wind instruments that could be played with the ear. It gives a whole new meaning to the phrase "music to my ears."

Monday, December 28, 2009

First Post

Hi my name is Dave and I am new to this blogging game. I am a college student in Massachusetts who thinks way too much about things that are mostly useless. I am often told that I do not focus enough on the things that are more important and relevant. Sometimes a random thought will pop into my head and I feel the need to talk about it with whoever I am with and it can derail a conversation faster than ...hmmm ... well, I can't come up with an adequate analogy right now but i think you get my point. At any rate, my mother got so sick of having to listen to my ridiculously brilliant ideas that whenever i told her one, she would simply say "blog it" to them so she wouldn't have to hear it. Well, I finally got around to doing that, so from now on, when i have an idea, i will blog it. Enjoy!