Monday, December 28, 2009

First Post

Hi my name is Dave and I am new to this blogging game. I am a college student in Massachusetts who thinks way too much about things that are mostly useless. I am often told that I do not focus enough on the things that are more important and relevant. Sometimes a random thought will pop into my head and I feel the need to talk about it with whoever I am with and it can derail a conversation faster than ...hmmm ... well, I can't come up with an adequate analogy right now but i think you get my point. At any rate, my mother got so sick of having to listen to my ridiculously brilliant ideas that whenever i told her one, she would simply say "blog it" to them so she wouldn't have to hear it. Well, I finally got around to doing that, so from now on, when i have an idea, i will blog it. Enjoy!

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