Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Wisdom Lost...

It has been an interesting five months or so, my first semester as a regular contributor to the blogosphere. I have had a great time writing about movies, sports, books and the drama of late night television. I would like to thank everyone who has been reading along. Without you, I am just an idiot with an opinion. With you, I am an idiot with an opinion that people read. For that, I am grateful. I will still be blogging from time to time, but there will be some changes in the coming weeks.

First off, I work at a Boy Scout camp in the summer and I will have sporadic internet access for a couple months. I may still post some entries, but not as frequently as I did during the school year.

Also, "The Wise Fool" will undergo a name change in the near future. I thought the blog name was a little cliche (and I only chose it because "The Idiotic Genius" was taken) from the beginning. "Wise fool" is the literal translation of the word "sophomore" which worked while I was still a college sophomore, but continuing to use it would seem like I am trapped in the past. It is important (especially on the Internet, where the future is arriving faster than in the real world) to not get caught up in the "good ole days". I will also getting my wisdom teeth removed tomorrow, and it will be hard to be a wise fool without my wisdom.

The new name for the blog will be "The Ironic Munchkin". This name comes from a conversation I had a few days ago when I was talking about the possibility of remaking The Wizard of Oz. I was wearing a ridiculous pair of brightly colored socks at the time and I did my Lillipop Guild impression and expressed my interest in being a munchkin if that movie were ever remade. The person I was talking to brought up the fact that I am 5'10'' so playing a munchkin would not be practical. To that, I replied that I wanted to be the one ironic munckin who is the size of a normal person (like Buddy from the movie Elf). Who is society to say that I can or cannot do something? As an individual, I have the right to follow my dreams, be they realistic or ridiculous. "The Ironic Munchkin" will be a platform for me to do the very thing I set up a blog to do: put my ideas out there, and hope people read them and think about them. My ideas may not always be practical or useful, but at least I have ideas. Someday, I hope to put my creativity to a constructive use, but until then, I will keep on blogging.

So long for a little while, Internet. I will write to you when I have the time.

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